About Our Courses

NPSC’s continuing education courses emphasize prevention—an approach often underrepresented in psychology doctoral programs compared to treatment. Our courses fill this gap by focusing on the core skills and the theoretical underpinnings of a prevention-oriented approach to reduce adverse psychological and social outcomes.

In an effort to advance our goal of supporting the implementation, scaling, and sustainability of practices, programs and policies that are supported by an established evidence-base, we will provide continuing education courses that assist learners in achieving at least one of the following goals:

  • Ability to describe the benefits of utilizing the most contemporary evidence-based practices, policies and programs in preventing physical, psychological and social harm and promoting healthy development across multiple areas of functioning.

  • Ability to identify risk and protective factors related to healthy development and functioning as established by peer reviewed empirical research.

  • Ability to recognize and evaluate evidence-based approaches to the prevention of physical, psychological and social harm and the promotion of healthy development that are supported by rigorous research.

  • Ability to apply the skills and practices necessary to implement high-quality, evidence-based prevention practices, policies or programs.

Courses Coming Soon!

  • Bullying-Cyberbullying, Sheri Bauman University of Arizona

  • Human Rights Framework to Address School Violence, Dr. Michael B Greene, Ph.D.

  • Project Towards No Drug Use, Steve Sussman, Ph.D.

All Courses

More Courses Coming Soon!

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The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The National Prevention Science Coalition to Improve Lives maintains responsibility for this program and its content.